Campfire Sessions

Ignite Hospo features intimate, interactive fireside style chats— not just passive listening sessions —ensuring participants take away practical, tangible tools for their businesses. The event will provoke thought and discussion through discovery, exploration, and debate of both new and time-tested business strategies and concepts.

There are four topics and each session is 55 minutes, and is run 4 times through out the day to reduce the group sizes. Each session will have a slightly different lens on the topic depending on how you answered the registration questionnaire.

Gen Z Unlocked:

Strategies to Engage, Train, and Empower the New Generation 

As the newest cohort entering the workforce and emerging as significant consumers, Gen Z presents both opportunities and challenges for the hospitality industry. This presentation will explore strategies to effectively engage, train, and empower Gen Z as both employees and potential customers, providing insights into their distinct preferences and behaviours. 

Revenue Reimagined:

Discovering and Developing New Income Streams 

In today's rapidly evolving hospitality landscape, the pursuit of sustainable revenue growth requires a proactive approach to identifying and capitalizing on new income streams. This presentation will explore innovative strategies and tactics for discovering and developing untapped revenue opportunities within hospitality businesses, enabling them to diversify their income sources and enhance long-term financial performance. 

Peak Performance Playbook:

Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Teams 


Achieving peak performance in hospitality teams requires more than just skill and experience; it demands a mindset geared towards continuous improvement and resilience. This presentation will delve into the principles and practices essential for cultivating a growth mindset within hospitality teams, empowering them to adapt, innovate, and excel in today's dynamic industry landscape. 

Brought to you by The Restaurant Association of NZ

© 2024 Restaurant Association of NZ

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